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Animation Showreels
Jamieson Vitamins Commercial TonicDna Studio
I animated and supervised a set of commercials for TonicDna under the directorship of Todd Shaffer and Stefanie Bitton. The last half of the Lab commercial was animated by tonic junior animator Laurianne Fortin who I supervised and was responsible for teaching her pro animation techniques.
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LAB ClipBoard
Looney Tunes 2D animation.
Back in Action!! back to 2D traditional animation using ToonBoom software. This took a while because Warner Brothers took some time before they released all the Looney Tunes shorts on HBO MAX.
Best of show reel
2018 Reel Racetime! and Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2012 Reel supplemental
FreeBirds, Rio2 ,and the Nutjob -- Freelance animation
I started a storyboard class with Sergio Paez and this was my first assignment.
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